Issue with Academic Progress Stage 1, 2 or 3?
La Trobe Student Union Advocacy Service has been shut down by the university.
The fully independent La Trobe Student Union (LTSU) Advocacy Service has been shut down on Friday 13th December, 2024 by the university. This was decided in only the last 3 weeks by La Trobe Univeristy and without any warning, or transition plan. The university has advised that they plan to provide in-house advocacy support to replace the LTSU’s independent service. However, at this stage we are unsure if there are staff employed and available to respond to enquiries or support students. You can contact the service here: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/support/advocacy
Here is our information about Academic Progress but this page will no longer be kept up to date post 13th December, 2024.
As soon as you are notified about being in an Academic Progress Stage, make sure you are proactive about the steps in their email.
The University has recently changed it's processes for Academic Progress Stage 1, 2 and 3. While we update our information, please visit the Uni's website for more information following these links:
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3